Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh, no, coincidence and typo.

Started reading Billy Collins' Nine Horses tonight. I bought the book from a good, small used bookstore in Wrigleyville, The Bookworks. I set the book down and when I reached for it again, I noticed a small piece of paper in the back that someone else had left inside as a bookmark. A small thrill, since I love ephemera and finding things that others have left behind. Sometimes you can get real treasures. This one, it was from one of those cheesy page-a-day calendars, telling the book's former owner to get Collins' book and read it. Except they messed up a little bit...

Nine Houses
might be a harder book to find, considering Collins hasn't written that one yet.

I really like these lines, from "Aimless Love":

But my heart is always propped up
in a field on its tripod,
ready for the next arrow.


  1. 'ephemera,' what a great word.
    I really enjoy your blog. I started one recently too--I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think. It's a small, personal thing, but it's fun, isn't it?

    I agree with you, there is something about spring that inspires in me a need to create and explore. I just hope summer's heat doesn't squash this new energy!

  2. I'll keep an eye on yours, Emily, for sure. :) It's nice to have a place for collecting all of the tidbits in the world that you appreciate but don't really know how else to do justice to.

